Here at ICE, we believe everyone is unique and as an extension of that… so is their desk! We’ve decided to showcase one members desk each week to highlight both the differences and similarities that make ICE such a diverse place to work!
ICE member & company details
Welsh ICE
What do you do?
I am on the Marketing Team as a Marketing Administrator. I’m also the first guy you see when there is an issue with your telecoms or the network, I can also carry things, so I move furniture. I also write for Cosmic Anvil, look it up.
Which room are you in?
What’s the current status of your desk? Is it neat & tidy or ‘organised chaos’?
There’s some stuff on it, but it’s alright.
Mac or PC?
PC, Mac is lame.
What other hardware do you use?
I have an external hard drive which comes in handy.
What software do you use?
Microsoft Office (standard), Xara Web Designer (good for building site pages and drawing graphics), Photoshop etc.
What’s your drink of choice while working?
Water, really boring I know but I don’t like too much caffeine. Plus you got to stay hydrated, it does make me pee loads though.
Do you listen to music while you work? If so, what?
I do, however I find listening to lyrical songs difficult when working, as I end up singing along. So I tend to put on video game soundtracks as they are perfect to help you focus. My favourite soundtracks are: Skyrim, Sly Cooper: Band of Thieves and Steven Universe.
What personal/professional keepsakes do you keep on your desk?
I have a bunch of Allen Keys, because you never know…and everything here is IKEA.
What about toys or fun stuff?
I have a soft Pikachu which was given to me by Zoe Jones of Wize VA. Pokémon is one of my favourite things ever, so I like to have Pikachu there as a work buddy.
What’s your favourite thing about your desk?
It’s mine. I love having a base of operations, and my desk is mine. I’m not normally at it, but when I am it feels good. I also like being seated behind reception, this way I can people watch as visitors come in. It can feel a little out of the way being under the stairs, but I have the lovely Wize Girls to keep me company and I’m not too far from the Co-Lab.