Here at ICE, we believe everyone is unique and as an extension of that.. so is their desk! We’ve decided to showcase one members desk each week to highlight both the differences and similarities that make ICE such a diverse place to work!
ICE member & company details
WR Investigations
What do you do?
I work as an Administrator and Researcher..and PA to MD Graham Mogg..and professional tea maker..the list goes on!
Which room are you in?
I’m in The Lodge across from the mens idea what the room number is.
What’s the current status of your desk? Is it neat & tidy or ‘organised chaos’?
It’s my kind of tidy! I’ve got what I need in reaching distance..and my pug bag to remind me of my dog Hugo 🙂
Mac or PC?
PC..wouldn’t know where to start with a Mac or what the hype is!
What other hardware do you use?
Nothing else, it’s just me and my PC 🙂
What software do you use?
The basic Microsoft Office pack..Google Chrome
What’s your drink of choice while working?
Flavoured water normally..although in this weather a cup of tea doesn’t go a miss! I normally end up cwtching the kettle just for some extra warmth!
Do you listen to music while you work? If so, what?
We sometimes have the radio on..normally Kiss! I love Kisstory and as I work part time in a gym I tend to know the lyrics to most songs so I HAVE to sing along.
What personal/professional keepsakes do you keep on your desk?
I’ve got my business cards on my desk. I’ve never had a business card before so it’s a little reminder that I am getting somewhere. I haven’t worked here that long so I don’t have many personal keepsakes!
What about toys or fun stuff?
Sadly no! Although Mike’s desk is right next to mine and he has his stress boobs..the joys of being the only woman in the office!
What’s your favourite thing about your desk?
It’s my own messy space that I can do what I want with.